Sunday, November 2, 2014

Know Thyself...

First of all, please accept my humble apologies for the length of time it has taken to submit a new post. The intervening time period has been a most eventful one. I have discovered who I am and who my ancestors were, but I am getting ahead of myself.

You might recall that this blog was created to encourage our people to consider returning to the Motherland or at the very least, visit. I had been working to develop relationships with fine brothers and sisters I met during a trip to Ghana. We worked for months to develop a method that would reduce the cost of making the trip, arrange for the visit to expose one to the cultural and economic opportunities that seemed apparent to me while there and foster a network of our people that might constitute a "bridge" between Africa and those of us in the Diaspora.

Well, long story short, we have found to our disappointment, few of our people have any interest in making the personal and financial investment to make such a trip. However, a wonderful thing happened to me during this effort. I came into contact with some deeply spiritual brothers and sisters in Africa and here in the States.

While in Ghana, one of them took me aside and suggested that I read Deuteronomy 28:15-68 closely. I read it carefully and was astonished to read, in graphic detail, the experiences of my ancestors who were enslaved in Africa and brought to these shores!

Once I got over the shock, he gently suggested that I verify the truth of these prophecies in the Bible. I assured him that I would do so. Once we returned to the States, in addition to trying to  build that "bridge" between Africa and America, I was also devoting a lot of time researching this ancient prophecy written over 3,500 years ago.

I have read more than 12 books on the subject of the African Hebrew Israelites, some of which go back to the 19th Century, shortly after Emancipation Proclamation. Many of our people way back then recognized who they were and tried to alert others, with some success initially. However, over time their efforts fizzled out.

However, lately there seems to be an "awakening" among some of our people as to their true identity. Some are found on street corners with bull horns, shouting and demeaning people. Others found in Flea Markets preaching to any who will listen. None seem very effective in developing a cohesive and constructive ministry that resembles the Most High God. What is being developed seems to more closely resemble the charismatic leaders of these groups, call "camps". Unfortunately, their ministry seems to repel more people than they attract.

Nevertheless, they are located all over the country, especially in urban centers where there is a large black population. The beliefs, teachings, message and deportment varies widely from "camp" to "camp" and from coast to coast. Personally, I am not sure what to make of this confusion, except to recall that "confusion" would be one of the "signs" or "curses" that would "mark" us as the "Israel of God". (Deut. 28:29, 46)

My wife and I have decided to follow the leading of the Most High's spirit and simply continue to study and learn as much as we can about this new found information. Thus, for the past several years we have been reading, researching, studying, listening to elders, praying, meditating, etc. Today, we KNOW who we are. This is not a "leap of faith" or "pie in the sky". This is a spiritual coming into a knowledge of who we are. What an honor to discover, at this late date in my life, that I am part of a nation that is currently in a covenant relationship with the only true God!

So many questions are buzzing around in my head that I am nailing down, one by one. For example, were the ancient Israelites black people? If so, who are these white people in Israel who call themselves "Jews"? What is the status of the Black church, which is regurgitating teachings forced upon our ancestors by the European? According to Scripture, God will only reveal his secrets to Israel. (Amos 3:7) That means whatever was handed to us by the European requires a total review for harmony with Scripture. How long will Israel in exile have to endure these "curses" or are they forever? Why are more and more of our people coming out of the "fog" we have been in for centuries and are listening with comprehension to thought that they are catching Hell in America for a reason? Since we seem to be waking up, what for? What is the purpose for our coming to our senses and realizing our true identity? What does the Most High want from us now? What do we need to do to be reconciled with God? Are we, as Israelites, still under the Law or not? Is the worship of Jesus idolatry?

These are just a few of the questions and issues I am becoming more and more aware of and am currently searching for answers. Meanwhile, I have been moved by God's spirit to start a Bible discussion group at the Public Library. The numbers are small, but their love of God and for one another is huge. As a group we have made many breakthroughs and are learning something new it seems almost every week. However, these new things learned lead to other questions and so the reading, researching, studying, etc. continues in our search for truth.

I am writing this in November 2014 and have much to share. I promise to provide more information soon. Meanwhile, please offer any comments, questions, observations or thoughts. Peace and love.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is Spirituality the Answer?

For some time I have been pondering the above question in the context of another - How do we, as black people of African descent free ourselves from the clutches of the West? Many of us are aware of the deep hostility and hatred that has been abundantly evident toward people of color over the past 400+ years we have been enslaved in the Americas. It seems clear to me that Western culture has a deep and abiding hatred of anything African.

Since the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation black people of African descent have struggled mightily against all odds to prove ourselves worthy, equal, deserving and good. We are told this is the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Yet, during this same period of time, with few exceptions, people of color have been inexorably pushed to the fringes of society via unrelenting racism and discrimination - socially, politically and economically. So, where does the process of freeing ourselves from this web of deceit begin?

Obviously, the solution to this problem is not military might. Warfare has never changed the belief system of a people, only delayed the reaction to the horrors of war. We certainly do have the weapons, equipment, technology or even the will to wage war. We are outnumbered and outgunned.

What about politics? It seems clear that the political arena is not offering a solution either. Oh, yes. On occasion a person of color is elected, yet our plight remains the same. Today, it appears clear to me that the political system of things is under the strict control of Wall Street and the wealthy elite. Witness today, even with an African American in the White House, our problems cannot even be publicly discussed by him for fear of the outpouring of white hatred and denial.

The church has failed us as well. It has allowed this former sanctuary to be turned into a commercial enterprise with little spiritual power or influence over our people. There appears to be more concern with preserving their 501(c)(3) status than motivating our people to live Godly lives. Witness our willingness to kill one another, yet we will not turn on white men who kill us unprovoked. Witness the degradation and immorality of our religious leadership. Witness our willingness to father children and abandon both child and mother. Witness our willingness to join the military and wage war on other innocent people of color. Witness these things and ask - Can God bless this mess?

So, is spirituality the answer? Is an elevated, aware and conscious soul based mind-set the answer? Is there a need to recognize that someone created this planet for us all to enjoy and not just for a select few? Is there value in identifying man-made constructs that inhibit or block our spirituality? I am asking for feed-back and comments with the aim of gaining some insight and gems of understanding that might allow us to develop a strategy to be - 'Free at last. Great God Almighty, I'm free at last.'

I look forward to your comments and thoughts.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to First Post

Hell0 all,

I have been asked, “What are your immediate impressions of Accra, capital city of Ghana?”
Well, one thing stood out right away. Inside the airport were huge posters advertising phone services, etc. All of the posters featured African models. Not one white model. I began taking photos of the posters and soon learned about another difference. A neatly uniformed policeman approached me and said, “No photos.” 
Stupid me. I repeated the question: “What do you mean, not photos?” He looked straight into my eyes and said once again – sternly, “No photos.”  “Yessir”, I replied.
Later on in the day I was told by a native that I could have been arrested and my camera confiscated. He said, “The guard must have liked you for some reason.” Thankfully, I got away with a reprimand and boy, was I glad.
The next thing I recall was the chaotic scene as we left customs to go find our ride into the city. There were dozens of young men, yelling and gesturing to get your attention. Once they make eye contact, they assume they have permission to grab your bags and help you to your vehicle. Several small arguments and spats broke out between some of the men as they competed for your business. Again, this is level of activity and energy is unlike anything you see at an airport in the U.S.
One other thing that hit me was the fact that almost everyone was Black – African, African American, etc. There were very few whites anywhere to be seen. From top administrators to the young men hustling for bags, everyone was Black. It is difficult to describe the emotional impact such a sight had on my mind and heart. More on this later.
Thus far, the energy and vitality of Accra hits you right in the face from the very beginning and we had not yet located our ride into the city.  Your comments and questions are welcome.